Madeleine Laming Consulting
Madeleine Laming is a Fellow of the Institute of Community Directors Australia. She also holds honorary positions with Graduate Women International and the Australian Council for Human Rights Education.
She was a member of the Adult Community and Further Education Board 2012-2018.

Madeleine has several postgraduate qualifications including a doctorate in education policy development, a masters' degree in organisational theory and change management and a diploma in governance.
In 2018 she completed the Victorian Women's Board Leadership Program.
In 2011 she won an Australian Learning and Teaching Council Citation for an outstanding contribution to students' learning at the first-year level and in 1996, she was awarded a Monash Teaching Fellowship.

Madeleine has over twenty-five years' experience in the education sector, including higher education, secondary education and vocational education. In addition, she has worked in development aid, human rights education and the prevention of violence against women.
She has a life-long interest in teaching and policy development.

Madeleine published her first academic book in 2012, The new inheritors: Transforming young people's expectations of university.
Followed by Mature-age male students in higher education: Experiences, motivations and aspirations in 2019.
She is the author of six textbooks used in Australian and Canadian schools.

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